Car Club Links
Motorhead Misfits
Club meets the 3rd Thursday of the month
Beef n Bun Burgers Fletcher Hills, CA
5155 Greenbrier Ave. San Diego, CA
Info: (619) 697-6971
The Mustang Club of San Diego
MCSD General Membership Meeting
4th Wednesday of the month 7PM
(except Nov & Dec)
Kearny Pearson Ford
7303 Clairemont Mesa Bl SDi, CA 92111
Over the Hill Gang San Diego
Meets 1st Wednesday each month
Info: (619) 462-0907
Over the Hill Gang, North County
Club meets 2nd Thurs 7 PM
Info: (760) 751 1528
Pick-Ups Limited of
Southern California SD Chapt.
Meets 2nd & 4th Mondays of the month
Info: (619) 660-8494
The Pontiac-Oakland Club Intl.
San Diego Chapter #58
Meets 2nd Tuesday of the month
Info: (619) 442-4182
So-Cal T’s
534 Gardendale Road Encinitas, CA 92024
Call: (760) 519-2207 dlmahar@pacbell.net
Southern California Convertible Club
For Info: Roger Pollard @ {619} 470-6688
The Street Masters
Meets 3nd Tuesday of the month
Info: (858) 566-8629
Studebaker Drivers Club San Diego County Chapter.
Meets every second Thursday at 7:00 PM
Allied Gardens Rec. Ctr
5155 Greenbrier Ave. San Diego, CA
Info: (619) 697-6971
Car Club Council of Greater San Diego
Meets 1st Tuesday of the Month 7PM
San Diego Automotive Museum,
Balboa Park, San Diego, CA
Camaro Club of San Diego
Meets 1st Wednesday of the Month, 7 PM
Chevy’s Fresh Mex
11630 Carmel Mountain Rd San Diego, CA
Christian Rods & Customs San Diego Chapter
Meets the 3rd Saturday of the month
Faith Chapel, Campo Rd, Spring Valley
Info: Bob Jennings 619-670-5110
The Coastal Cruisers
Meets every 2nd Tuesday 7PM
The Classic Malt Shop
3615 Midway Dr San Diego, CA 92110-5251
Info: (760) 315-2057
The East County Cruisers
Meet every 2nd & 4th Tuesday at the
New Century Buffet
on Jackman Street in El Cajon. 6:30 PM
Heartbeat Classic Chevys
Club Meetings 3rd Thursday of the month
(except December).
Mike’s BBQ— Escondido
Info: Mark Pilch 760-221-6869
The King Pins
Meets first Saturday of the month 9AM
HomeTown Buffet El Cajon, CA
The Monday Night Car Club
VFW Sable Post #2275
136 Chambers St. El Cajon, CA 92020
Info: (619) 440-6168
The MOPAR Club of San Diego
Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month
Casa Machado Restaurant,
Montgomery Field,
Info: (858) 484-3388
Staying Connected
OverDrive Hot Rod News E-Mail Addresses
To contact the publisher Ed Zimmerly of OverDrive Hot Rod News or you have an event to post, a story or photo you’d like to share with our readers in OverDrive Hot Rod News , email: edzoverdriven@gmail.com